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Autumn soaps, Ciaglia Soap, Ciaglia Soap Method, decorative soap, fall soap, lathering lotus, Recycled Soap, Recycled Soap method, soap challenge club, tree soap -

October Soap Challenge Club 2021 This blog post is for soap makers or anyone interested in the soap making process.  Almost every month, I participate in the Soap Challenge Club, hosted by Amy Warden of Great Cakes Soapworks.  I have been participating in the challenge for years because, as you all know, I’m a bit obsessed with soap making.  I love learning new soap making techniques, it is really about the love of learning and growing as a soap maker.  This month’s challenge was a recycled soap scrap method.  There were many options to choose from, confetti soaps, tile soaps,...

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best minimalist skin care brands, environmentally friendly skin care, lathering lotus, lathering lotus blog, Skinimalism, skinimalist beauty company, sustainable beauty, what is minimalist skin care -

One of the newest trends for 2021, according to Pinterest is “skinimalism”.  A new era of beauty that centers on less makeup, natural skin texture, and self-care. We are ahead of the game here at Lathering Lotus, we have been a minimalist skin care brand since our inception.  We firmly believe that you are naturally beautiful.  Makeup is optional, but healthy skin is not.  In a post-pandemic world, we have gotten used to staying at home and using a “slow beauty routine” that lets us be ourselves, naturally.  A multi-step beauty regimen is not necessary, nor is it environmentally friendly. ...

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